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PMS Brown Sweet Rice

Life should be simple and so should eating healthy food.
This rice is a delicious dish to eat a week before you are going to menstruate.  It is a cozy hug for the stomach and digestive system.
You can find sweet rice at a Japanese grocery store or an Asian food store. Cooking tip for the rice, you need to soak it for at least one hour but it is better to soak overnight because it brings out the sticky texture.
Prep Time12 mins
Cook Time35 mins
Course: Main Course, Side Dish
Cuisine: American
Keyword: Energy, Healthy, Hormone, Nutrition
Servings: 2
Author: Jeanette Davison
Cost: $


  • 1 cup Sweet Brown Rice Substitute white
  • 1 bunch Kale
  • 1/2 cup Shiitake mushrooms
  • 1 bulb Fennel
  • 1/4 cup Olive Oil
  • 1/4 cup Pumpkin Seeds


  • You can find sweet rice at a Japanese grocery store or an Asian food store. Cooking tip for the rice, you need to soak it for at least one hour but it is better to soak overnight because it brings out the sticky texture.
  • Measure out 1 cup of sweet rice and rinse it 3 to 4 times after soaking. Then place in a pot.
  • When I lived in Seoul I learned that the best way to measure the amount of water that you need in your rice is to place your hand flat on the surface of the rice in the bottom of the pot and add enough water to cover your hand up to the level of your knuckles.
  • Bring to a boil and then simmer with the lid on for 15-20 min or until water is absorbed.
  • Meanwhile cut up the kale into small strips removing the stem.
  • Cut the shiitake mushrooms into slices and slice the fennel very thin.
  • Place some olive oil in a frying pan and once heated add the fennel and fry for 5 -8 minutes or until soft
  • Add the mushrooms and kale and cook for a few more minutes
  • Add some salt near the end of cooking, to taste.
  • Once the rice is cooked add the rice to the frying pan with the rest of the ingredients.
  • Mix everything together and cook for a few more minutes
  • Remove from the heat and mix in the pumpkin seeds with a drizzle of olive oil on top with some salt and pepper to taste and voila you have a bowl of delicious rice!


  • Sweet rice is sweet and warming, it is really good for the digestive system and for people with poor circulation specifically cold hands and feet.
  • It also helps with cramping in the uterus due to cold. 
  • PMS symptoms in Chinese Medicine commonly have to do with the liver qi not moving freely and fennel is great for the liver.